Waste Not, Want Not: How to Handle Sewage Emergencies


Sewage emergencies are not only unpleasant but also pose a significant health risk. It is essential to know how to handle these situations to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. In this blog post, we will discuss how to handle sewage emergencies and what steps you can take to protect yourself and your property in Stewartville MN.

What is a sewage emergency?

A sewage emergency is a situation in which sewage backs up into your property or the surrounding area. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as a blocked or damaged sewer line, heavy rainfall, or flooding. Sewage emergencies can lead to serious health hazards, including the spread of diseases, contaminated water sources, and damage to your property.

Steps to handle sewage emergencies

Stay safe

The first step in handling a sewage emergency is to ensure your safety. Avoid coming into direct contact with sewage water, as it may contain harmful bacteria and viruses. Wear protective gear such as rubber gloves, boots, and eye protection if you must enter the contaminated area.

Stop the flow of sewage

If the sewage is coming from a blocked or damaged sewer line, try to stop the flow of sewage by turning off the main water valve. If you cannot locate the valve, contact a plumber or sewage professional to assist you.

Call for professional help

It is crucial to seek professional help immediately if you experience a sewage emergency. Contact a sewage cleanup and restoration company to help you handle the situation. These professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise to handle sewage emergencies safely and effectively.

Document the damage

It is essential to document the damage caused by the sewage emergency. Take photos or videos of the affected area and make a list of damaged items. This information can be helpful when filing an insurance claim.

Clean up and disinfect

Once the professionals have removed the sewage water, it is time to clean up and disinfect the affected area thoroughly. Use a disinfectant solution to clean all surfaces, including floors, walls, and furniture. Be sure to follow the instructions on the disinfectant label carefully.

Preventing sewage emergencies

Preventing sewage emergencies is the best way to avoid the potential health hazards and property damage they can cause. Here are some steps you can take to prevent sewage emergencies:

  1. Regularly inspect and maintain your sewer lines and plumbing.
  2. Do not pour grease, oil, or other materials down the drain, as they can clog the sewer lines.
  3. Do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the toilet, as other items can also clog the sewer lines.
  4. Install backwater valves to prevent sewage backups into your property.
  5. Ensure that your property has proper drainage systems in place to handle excess water.

In conclusion, sewage emergencies can be dangerous and cause significant damage to your property. It is essential to take immediate action to ensure your safety and prevent further harm. Remember to seek Stewartville sewage damage professional help and take steps to prevent sewage emergencies in the future. By being prepared and taking preventative measures, you can protect yourself and your property from the hazards of sewage emergencies.


Service Restoration
808 4th Ave SE Stewartville MN, 55976